Last Saturday morning…
>Secondo< Mom, I have a great idea for a blog post, we can make a box of brownies. Do you like that idea?
>Me< Well, we could make brownies from scratch? The challenge will be how to bake them.
>Secondo< I think it would be fun for me to make the brownies from the box. Those are good too, and I have an idea that will make them different.
>Me< Okay, so, after you make these brownies, are you going to write the blog post to go with it?
>Secondo< Mom, it is the weekend and I am not so much into writing on the weekend. This is my free time. Can’t we just take pictures? I read that article where you told people about how important it is that kids cook. And just because we don’t have a real oven (we are remodeling our kitchen), doesn’t mean we can’t cook. C’ummon Mom. Let’s do this.
>Me< Alright, let’s do this. We can make your brownies in our toaster oven. And we will make this a nearly-wordless post.
>Secondo< That would be good. I think I have a lot of good ideas, don’t you?
>Me< Of course. What will you call this recipe?
>Secondo< Brownie Dream Surprise.
He is full of great ideas! they look great!
Secondo has good ideas…no? Did they taste as good as they look?!
Great idea with the marshmallows. He sure is full of surprises!!!!
OK, guess you’re bringing dessert on Monday!
Love that lil’ guy. Can’t wait to show Isabella this post. xo