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Last Saturday morning…

>Secondo< Mom, I have a great idea for a blog post, we can make a box of brownies. Do you like that idea?

>Me< Well, we could make brownies from scratch? The challenge will be how to bake them.

>Secondo< I think it would be fun for me to make the brownies from the box. Those are good too, and I have an idea that will make them different.

>Me< Okay, so, after you make these brownies, are you going to write the blog post to go with it?

>Secondo< Mom, it is the weekend and I am not so much into writing on the weekend. This is my free time. Can’t we just take pictures? I read that article where you told people about how important it is that kids cook. And just because we don’t have a real oven (we are remodeling our kitchen), doesn’t mean we can’t cook. C’ummon Mom. Let’s do this.

>Me< Alright, let’s do this. We can make your brownies in our toaster oven. And we will make this a nearly-wordless post.

>Secondo< That would be good. I think I have a lot of good ideas, don’t you?

>Me< Of course. What will you call this recipe?

>Secondo< Brownie Dream Surprise.

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