Okay- book is still not done yet and I am in pain. I am not alone. I can only equate this to child birth- at this point, it just needs to happen. No fear – no regrets – it’s time. The cast of those in pain is nearly everyone around me or anyone around those I am working with.
I’ve eaten some of the worst food imaginable since college…how is this possible. I am all about eating well, eating good foods with great flavors. Well I guess if there is zero option and it is 4AM you should just comfort yourself and eat.
Our printer has been nothing short of amazing. Talking about feeling like we were not in this alone. Lorna Johnson has helped us at every turn and explained so many of the elements to us we could not have otherwise known. Where does she work? Global Interprint. Yes, I highly recommend her.
Maybe tomorrow- yes, it could happen – but maybe tomorrow. (I repeat this to myself at 4PM each day and so far, it is not true.) Feeling optimistic.. . or is that just being naive?!