If you’ve ever lived on pins and needles then this email chain will amuse you…the books are ALMOST in my possession.
From: Lorna Johnson
To: Gina von Esmarch
Sent: Tue Dec 09 12:25:35 2008
Subject: release!
hi Gina – we got word after 5 last night that the container has been released
so we are checking with the folks about the schedule for fetching/opening the container, then delivery
woo hoo – it’s getting close!
From: Gina von Esmarch [mailto:gvon@vocecomm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 9:28 AM
To: lorna@globalinterprint.com
Subject: Re: release!
Yes! Praying for tomorrow or sooner!
Gina von Esmarch
Please pardon the brevity of this message sent from my non-spell checking BlackBerry.
From: Lorna Johnson [mailto:Lorna@globalinterprint.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 2:30 PM
To: Gina von Esmarch
Subject: celebrate!
hi Gina – we are ON for delivery tomorrow Wednesday! sorry, you’ll just have to work from home tomorrow : )
I have asked the driver to phone ahead so that you know when to open the gate
ciao! I mean chow!