Groceries purchased, lists made and bags are packed. Seems like a whole lot of organization for five minutes of tele but what do I know. This will be one for the books – no pun intended – okay, maybe just this time it was intended. Stay tuned and wish for the best – I certainly am hoping not to make a fool of myself.
If I only I could find the perfect opening line, let the cards (or spatulas) fall where they may.
Recap: The show went well and it really was a lot of fun. Prima and Secondo even got a bit of air time (which they loved)! Here is the clip…and the highlights: we ran out of time to make the second dish and Secondo managed to talk back to me while on camera. Classic! (and he lied by the way!!!!) To follow the show on Twitter go to @viewfromthebay
Click here to view the segment –>The View From the Bay: A Hassle Free No-Cook Meal

Nice! I so want to cook alongside you one day!